Reward Model

UPDATE 8/20/2024

wethRewardModel.sol - New Function


A new function _calculateShareOfUserRBfactorInSlot has been added, which calculates the share of the rbRewardFund that a user should receive based on their shoe’s rbFactor.

function _calculateShareOfUserRBfactorInSlot(address _account, uint256 _shoeid) internal view returns(uint256) {
    uint256 userSlotId = i_wethRegistry._getUserSlotId(_account);
    (, , address[] memory usersInSlot, uint256[] memory rbfs, , uint256 rbRewardFund) = i_wethRegistry._getSlotData(userSlotId);
    uint256 totalrbfs;
    uint256 userrbfs = i_marketplace.getShoeRB_Factor(_shoeid);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        totalrbfs += rbfs[i];
    return (userrbfs * rbRewardFund * SCALING_FACTOR) / totalrbfs;
  • Purpose: This function calculates a user's share of the reward based on the rbFactor of their shoe, relative to the total rbFactors within the slot.
  • Inputs:
    • _account: The user's address.
    • _shoeid: The ID of the shoe whose rbFactor will be used for the calculation.
  • Logic: It retrieves the user's slot ID and gathers slot data, including all users' rbFactors. It then calculates the user’s share of the rbRewardFund based on the ratio of their rbFactor to the total rbFactors in the slot.




The WethReward contract integrates with the MarketPlace, GetStepsAPI, and WethRegistry contracts to manage and distribute rewards based on user activity and steps data. It uses WETH for reward distribution.


The contract does not inherit from any other contracts but interacts with several imported contracts:

  • MarketPlace
  • GetStepsAPI
  • WethRegistry
  • IWETH (interface)


constructor(address _wethToken, address _marketPlace, address _wethRegistry, address _getStepsApi)
  • Parameters:
    • _wethToken: Address of the WETH token contract.
    • _marketPlace: Address of the MarketPlace contract.
    • _wethRegistry: Address of the WethRegistry contract.
    • _getStepsApi: Address of the GetStepsAPI contract.
  • Description: Initializes the contract by setting the addresses of the WETH token, MarketPlace, WethRegistry, and GetStepsAPI contracts.


  • s_startingTime: Maps user addresses to their starting time.
  • s_userStepsAtMoment: Maps user addresses and timestamps to their steps count.
  • s_userSteps: Maps user addresses to their total steps.
  • s_stepShareOfUser: Maps user addresses to their share of steps.
  • s_totalStepsPerSlot: Maps slot IDs to the total steps in that slot.
  • s_userRewards: Maps user addresses to their rewards.
  • s_claimedReward: Tracks whether a user has claimed their reward.



function sendRequestToFetchSteps(string memory authToken) public
  • Parameters:
    • authToken: Authorization token for the API.
  • Description: Sends a request to fetch the user's steps data from the external API.


function recordFetchedSteps(address _account) public
  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the user.
  • Description: Records the fetched steps data for the user.


function takeRewardBasedOnShoeId(uint256 _shoeId) checkIfUserAlreadyClaimedDailyReward(msg.sender) public
  • Parameters:
    • _shoeId: The ID of the shoe.
  • Description: Allows the user to claim their reward based on the shoe ID.


function _calculateRewardOfUserSteps(address _account, uint256 _shoeId) internal returns(uint256)
  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the user.
    • _shoeId: The ID of the shoe.
  • Description: Calculates the reward for the user's steps based on the shoe ID.


function _calculateShareOfUsersStepsInSlot(address _account) internal returns(uint256)
  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the user.
  • Description: Calculates the user's share of steps in their slot.

View Functions

  • getRewardDataOfUsers(address _account): Returns the reward data for a specific user.


  • checkIfUserAlreadyClaimedDailyReward(address _account): Ensures the user has not already claimed their daily reward.