Deploy Script

Deploy Script

UPDATE 8/21/2024 @1251 AM

New Script - DeployDAO.s.sol

A new script file, DeployDAO.s.sol, has been introduced. This script handles the deployment of the DAO separately from other contract deployments.

Purpose of DeployDAO.s.sol

  • Deployment of DAO: This script is responsible for deploying the RBGovernor and related contracts that manage DAO governance.
  • Modular Deployment: Having a separate script for DAO deployment allows for modular deployment of the smart contract system, making the process more efficient and manageable.


  • This script should be executed as part of the deployment process to ensure that the DAO is correctly deployed and configured according to your requirements.



The DeployContracts script is used to deploy and initialize various smart contracts required for the RunBro ecosystem. This includes deploying the RunBroToken, Escrow, WethRegistry, MarketPlace, GetStepsAPI, WethReward, and DAO-related contracts (Lock and RBGovernor).


The script inherits from:

  • Script: Provides functionality for running deployment scripts in Foundry.


  • wethAddress: The address of the WETH token contract on Sepolia (or Amoy, commented out).
  • initialSupply: The initial supply of RunBroTokens.
  • initial_rbTokens_inPool: The initial amount of RunBroTokens in the pool.
  • initial_weth_inPool: The initial amount of WETH in the pool.
  • MIN_DELAY: The minimum delay for the DAO timelock (1 hour).
  • QUORUM_PERCENTAGE: The quorum percentage required for DAO proposals (4%).
  • VOTING_PERIOD: The voting period for DAO proposals.
  • VOTING_DELAY: The delay before a proposal vote becomes active.


  • seller: The address of the seller.
  • buyer: The address of the buyer.
  • owner: The address of the contract owner.
  • proposers: An array of proposer addresses for the DAO.
  • executors: An array of executor addresses for the DAO.
  • lock: The Lock contract instance for the DAO.
  • rbgovernor: The RBGovernor contract instance for the DAO.



function run() external
  • Description: Deploys and initializes the various contracts required for the RunBro ecosystem. It also sets up the DAO with the Lock and RBGovernor contracts.

Deployment Steps

  1. Deploy RunBroToken:
    • Deploys the RunBroToken contract with the initial supply.
  2. Deploy Escrow:
    • Deploys the Escrow contract.
  3. Deploy WethRegistry:
    • Deploys the WethRegistry contract.
  4. Deploy MarketPlace:
    • Deploys the MarketPlace contract with the addresses of WethRegistry, WETH, Escrow, and RunBroToken.
  5. Deploy GetStepsAPI:
    • Deploys the GetStepsAPI contract with the address of WethRegistry.
  6. Deploy WethReward:
    • Deploys the WethReward contract with the addresses of WETH, MarketPlace, WethRegistry, and GetStepsAPI.
  7. Deploy DAO Contracts:
    • Deploys the Lock contract with the minimum delay, proposers, and executors.
    • Deploys the RBGovernor contract with the RunBroToken and Lock contracts.
  8. Setup DAO Roles:
    • Grants the proposer role to the RBGovernor contract.
    • Grants the executor role to the zero address (open execution).
    • Revokes the admin role from the deployer.

Console Logs

  • Logs the addresses of the deployed contracts for reference.