
KYC Contract

The KYC.sol contract is responsible for handling the onboarding and registration of sellers onto the RunBRO platform via a decentralized KYC (Know Your Customer) process. The registration process is governed by the DAO members through proposals and voting mechanisms. The contract also integrates with the RunBroToken to check user token holdings.

Key Features

  • Proposal System: DAO members can propose new sellers for registration on the platform. Proposals go through a voting process to determine whether the seller is approved.
  • Voting System: DAO members can cast their votes either in favor of or against a proposal. The result of the vote will decide if the user gets registered.
  • Registration: Once a proposal passes, the user is registered as a seller on the platform.

Contract Variables

  • sellerCount: Tracks the total number of sellers who have submitted their details for registration.
  • proposal_counter: Tracks the total number of proposals created.
  • sellerDetails: A mapping that stores the TikTok URL or other relevant details for each seller by their address.
  • proposalIdOfSeller: A mapping that links each seller's address to their proposal ID.
  • proposedAddressArray: An array that stores all proposed addresses (sellers awaiting DAO approval).
  • abc: An array that stores all seller addresses that have submitted their details.
  • proposals: A mapping of proposal IDs to the Proposal struct containing proposal details.
  • proposalCount: A counter for the total number of proposals created.
  • members: A mapping that tracks which addresses are members of the DAO.
  • hasVoted: A nested mapping that tracks which DAO members have voted on which proposals.
  • votingPeriod: The duration for which voting remains open (default: 5 minutes).
  • addUserToPlatform: A mapping that stores the registration status of sellers after they pass the DAO voting process.
  • rbToken: A reference to the RunBroToken contract, used to check the token holdings of users.


  • Proposal
    • proposer: The address of the DAO member who proposed the user.
    • user: The address of the user proposed for registration.
    • votesFor: The number of votes in favor of the proposal.
    • votesAgainst: The number of votes against the proposal.
    • deadline: The timestamp after which voting ends.
    • executed: Whether the proposal has been executed.
    • exists: Whether the proposal exists.


  • onlyMember: Ensures that only DAO members can call specific functions.
  • proposalExists: Ensures that the proposal exists before executing functions that depend on it.

Key Functions

addDetails(string memory tiktokurl)

Allows a user to add their TikTok URL or other relevant details for registration. The user's address is added to the list of proposed sellers.

  • Parameters:
    • tiktokurl: A string representing the TikTok URL of the seller.

addMember(address _member)

Adds a new member to the DAO. Only existing members can add new members.

  • Parameters:
    • _member: The address of the new DAO member.


Allows a DAO member to propose a new user (seller) for registration. Creates a proposal and starts the voting process for that proposal.

  • Returns:
    • proposalId: The ID of the newly created proposal.

vote(uint256 proposalId, bool support)

Allows a DAO member to vote on a proposal. The member can vote either in favor of (support = true) or against (support = false) the proposal.

  • Parameters:
    • proposalId: The ID of the proposal.
    • support: A boolean indicating whether the voter supports the proposal.

queueProposal(uint256 proposalId)

After voting has ended and a proposal has passed, this function queues the proposal for execution.

  • Parameters:
    • proposalId: The ID of the proposal.

executeProposal(uint256 proposalId)

Executes the proposal, registering the user as a seller if the proposal passed.

  • Parameters:
    • proposalId: The ID of the proposal.

_registerUser(address _user)

An internal function that registers a user as a seller by updating the addUserToPlatform mapping.

  • Parameters:
    • _user: The address of the user being registered.

View Functions

checkAmountOfRBT_UserHolds(address _account)

Checks the balance of RunBroToken that a user holds.

  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the user.
  • Returns:
    • The number of tokens held by the user.

checkIfSellerIsRegisteredOrNot(address _account)

Checks if a seller is registered on the platform.

  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the seller.
  • Returns:
    • A boolean indicating whether the seller is registered.


Returns all addresses in the abc array (addresses that have submitted their details).

  • Returns:
    • An array of addresses.

getsellersDetails(address _account)

Retrieves the TikTok URL or other details of a specific seller.

  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the seller.
  • Returns:
    • The TikTok URL or other details as a string.

getProposalIdOfSeller(address _account)

Retrieves the proposal ID associated with a specific seller.

  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address of the seller.
  • Returns:
    • The proposal ID.


Returns all the proposed seller addresses.

  • Returns:
    • An array of addresses.

getVotingStatus(uint256 proposalId)

Returns the voting status of a specific proposal, including the number of votes for, votes against, and whether the voting is still active.

  • Parameters:
    • proposalId: The ID of the proposal.
  • Returns:
    • votesFor: The number of votes in favor of the proposal.
    • votesAgainst: The number of votes against the proposal.
    • isActive: A boolean indicating if the voting period is still active.

Workflow Overview

  1. User Submits Details: A user submits their details (e.g., TikTok URL) for registration.
  2. DAO Member Proposes User: A DAO member proposes the user for registration by creating a proposal.
  3. DAO Members Vote: DAO members vote on the proposal.
  4. Proposal Queued: If the proposal passes, it is queued for execution.
  5. User Registered: After execution, the user is registered as a seller on the platform.

This decentralized process ensures that the DAO governs the onboarding of sellers, making the process transparent and community-driven.