What's RunBro?

About Our Project

Welcome to our decentralized marketplace for buying and selling shoes, where we leverage cutting-edge blockchain technology to ensure secure transactions and reward users based on their physical activity. Our platform is built on Ethereum and utilizes a variety of powerful tools and libraries to enhance functionality and security.

Smart Contract Architecture

Key Technologies and Tools


We utilize OpenZeppelin's robust and secure libraries to implement key features in our smart contracts:

  • ERC20: Our RunBroToken is built using OpenZeppelin's ERC20 standard, ensuring compatibility and security.
  • Ownable: We use the Ownable module to manage ownership and access control in our contracts.
  • ERC20Permit and ERC20Votes: These extensions add permit functionality and voting capabilities to our tokens, enhancing their utility and governance.


Chainlink's decentralized oracle network provides reliable and secure data feeds and automation for our platform:

  • Chainlink Functions: Our GetStepsAPI contract uses Chainlink Functions to fetch daily step count data from external APIs, ensuring accurate and tamper-proof data.
  • Chainlink Automation: We leverage Chainlink Automation to manage periodic tasks such as reward distribution and slot management in our WethRegistry contract.

Our Vision

We aim to create a seamless and secure marketplace that not only facilitates transactions but also incentivizes healthy living through activity-based rewards. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and trusted tools like OpenZeppelin and Chainlink, we ensure that our platform is both secure and user-friendly.